Christmas in Mijas

Christmas in Mijas is a wonderful opportunity to experience the holidays and Spanish traditions. While Christmas holds a special meaning associated with the birth of Christ, the tradition of gift giving happens a few days later in early January when the Three Kings, Melchor, Gaspar, and Baltasar, arrive with gifts for all. Mijas pueblo hosts a parade with bands, displays, and floats, where candies are showered on the crowd. Afterward, families retreat to their homes to exchange gifts.

Homes and shops may also have an elaborate Belén on display. These are traditional nativity scenes, and are beautifully staged and built. Be sure to look for them!

New Year’s Eve will include countdowns and fireworks. For good luck in the New Year, be sure to have your twelve grapes ready to eat with each stroke of the clock at midnight!

As always, Mijas has something for everyone at any time of year. Don’t miss the opportunity to experience Christmas and New Years in this magical village.